TUXEDO Computers

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  • All Penguins - Counting Up!

    From July 1st to 5th, we will check whether all the penguins are still there and take stock. If there are any minor delays during this time, we ask for your understanding and a little patience.
    Our customer service is of course available to you without restriction and will be reliably at your side as usual.

    Thank you very much!

    Optimized for Linux
    Firmware | Software | Drivers


    Linux Ecosystem

    Linux experienced
    Customer Support

    Exclusive Chassis

    Linux-Hardware in a tailor-made suit.

    TUXEDO Computers are customizable Linux notebooks and Desktop PCs optimized in the first place to run with Ubuntu-based Linux operating systems. Literally Linux hardware in a tailor-made suit.

    TUXEDO Konfigurator bannerimage


    2 to 5 years
    of guarantee

    Free Shipping
    inside Europe *

    Also available with
    Microsoft Windows

    Data Privacy

    "Linux-first" approach and inhouse development

    At TUXEDO, Linux is not a sideshow or niche business. Linux is our brand essence!

    Linux first - according to this philosophy, TUXEDO notebooks and desktop computers are optimized for a flawless operation with Linux in the first place.

    This way you don't just get Linux notebooks and PCs with best-possible Linux support, but hardware, which gets delivered to you with all drivers preinstalled for an "out-of-the-box" Linux experience. Unbox it, turn it on and you are good to go!

    Want to learn more about what makes TUXEDO stand out and why this is the exact right place for you?

    TUXEDO Ecosystem: Much more than just Linux hardware

    TUXEDO Control CenterTUXEDO WebFAI USB StickCustom Logo Print Linux-Support