What is Ubuntu Pro? Do I need a subscription for Ubuntu? - TUXEDO Computers

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What is Ubuntu Pro? Do I need a subscription for Ubuntu?

Was ist Ubuntu Pro? Brauche ich ein Abonnement für Ubuntu?

Brief and to the point: By registering with Ubuntu Pro, Canonical extends the provision of security updates for LTS versions to 10 years (and in the future even 12 years). Security updates are then available not only for the main package sources but also for the 23,000 Universe packages directly from Canonical. Private users and small businesses can register up to 5 machines for free. For larger enterprises, the Ubuntu Pro subscription is a paid service. Registration remains optional, and Ubuntu can still be used without Ubuntu Pro.

Ubuntu Pro, offered by Canonical, extends the support period of LTS versions of the distribution (such as Ubuntu 22.04 LTS) from 5 to 10 years, and soon to 12 years. The offering is not new; Ubuntu Pro has been presented to users in the setup wizard for some time, and during the installation of updates via the terminal, a notice about updates that are only applied to a system registered through Ubuntu Pro has been displayed.

With a recent update to the update manager, the graphical update tool of Ubuntu now continuously displays notices about “Ubuntu Pro security updates,” causing confusion for many users. In the following, we aim to answer the most frequently asked questions about Ubuntu Pro.

What does Ubuntu Pro mean?

A distribution like Ubuntu provides software and updates through package sources. Canonical categorizes these package sources into four branches: “Main,” “Restricted,” “Universe,” and “Multiverse.” In “Main,” Canonical manages the central components of the distribution, and updates are handled by Canonical developers. “Restricted” contains components with closed source code (such as proprietary firmware or drivers like those for Nvidia graphics cards), and updates are also managed by Canonical developers.

On the other hand, the Ubuntu community is responsible for thousands of application programs and libraries in the “Universe.” Members of the MOTU team (short for “Masters of the Universe”) volunteer to check for updates in the open-source universe and incorporate them into the package source. The same applies to the “Multiverse” package sources, which, however, only contains software packages with complicated legal situations (including some multimedia codecs for video playback, for example).

This differentiation between Main/Restricted and Universe/Multiverse is particularly crucial when it comes to security updates. The commitment to security updates for LTS versions over 5 or 10/12 years (with Ubuntu Pro) applies exclusively to packages from Main/Restricted. Packages from Universe/Multiverse are only updated with the “best effort.” In other words: We do our best, but we make no guarantees.

For application programs like a text editor, this update strategy is acceptable. However, web applications such as WordPress can also be installed from the Ubuntu Universe. For such applications, timely updates are extremely important to avoid offering attackers a security vulnerability. Publicly exposing an outdated WordPress installation, for example, is considered negligent.

On Ubuntu installations with Ubuntu Pro activated, Canonical developers now also take responsibility for the over 23,000 packages from the Universe repository. The same commitment applies to them as for the Main and Restricted package sources: Security updates are reliably and promptly provided.

What does Ubuntu Pro cost?

Individual users or operators of small businesses can use Ubuntu Pro for free on up to 5 machines, requiring only the registration of an account. The subscription for Ubuntu Pro starts at $25 per year. This price is for the desktop version without phone and email support. For operators of an Ubuntu server, the cost is higher, with a fee of $500 per year for Ubuntu Pro. If Universe updates are not needed, users can opt for Ubuntu Pro (Infra-only), lowering the price to $250 per year. Canonical provides current prices and information on its website: Learn more

Who needs Ubuntu Pro?

Ubuntu Pro is primarily aimed at businesses using Ubuntu as the foundation for their IT infrastructure. Through the paid subscriptions of Ubuntu Pro, Canonical aims to recover the costs associated with maintaining the Universe packages. Private users can - but are not required to - register for Ubuntu Pro for free and update up to 5 machines through Ubuntu Pro.

If you are using a non-LTS version of Ubuntu, which receives updates for only 9 months after release, Ubuntu Pro will not be offered to you. Similarly, if you work with an LTS version that is released every two years and consistently update to the latest version promptly, Ubuntu Pro may not be necessary.

Only users, such as companies, who stick with an LTS version for an extended period and extensively utilize packages from Universe (especially web applications) should consider activating Ubuntu Pro to maximize the security of their systems.

Is my system only secure with Ubuntu Pro?

Generally not. Most volunteer MOTU members (see above) work just as diligently and quickly as full-time Canonical developers. Additionally, a package maintainer doesn’t always start from scratch: Ubuntu builds upon the Debian distribution, leveraging the work of a vast number of experienced developers. While a general statement cannot be made, the overall principle for home users is: the longer you use an LTS version, the more advisable it becomes to activate Ubuntu Pro.

Can the notifications for Ubuntu Pro be disabled?

No. There is no option in the update manager to disable notifications for Ubuntu Pro.

Does TUXEDO OS also integrate Ubuntu Pro?

TUXEDO OS is based on the current Ubuntu LTS version, but we build our own packages for central components like the kernel, our TUXEDO drivers, and the KDE Plasma desktop. This ensures users have a stable and proven foundation while always working with the latest KDE desktop. The update mechanisms of Ubuntu Pro are not integrated into TUXEDO OS.