What happened with the TUXEDO OS upgrade? - TUXEDO Computers

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What happened with the TUXEDO OS upgrade?

Many of you are wondering why you are not receiving an announcement about the upgrade to the new Ubuntu 24.04 base and where the upgrade script has gone.

What happened with the upgrade?

Due to various reports of initial problems, we took the upgrade script offline last Friday in order to improve it in a few places based on the feedback. We believe we have fixed the issues, but want to be sure and include a broader test base first.

What happens now?

We are starting a test phase today until 11.11.2024 to ensure that we have eliminated all possible problems. We are dependent on your feedback. You can support us in two ways. If you can read and evaluate code, we would be delighted if you would review the code of the upgrade script. Otherwise, it also helps a lot to test the script if you have hardware available to set up a real or virtual test environment. We look forward to your feedback on our GitLab instance.

How should I proceed as a tester?

You will find various versions of TUXEDO OS 3 in our archive at the bottom of the page. Select one of them and install it to perform the upgrade from there. Before you start, it makes sense to make the script’s work a little more difficult by installing various PPAs or other third-party software.

You can install the script during the test phase after you have added the following entry to your sources list under /etc/apt/sources.list.d:

 deb https://txos.tuxedocomputers.com/ubuntu jammy main

You can then complete the installation with the command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install tuxedo-release-upgrade

Then log out and log in again and you will see the upgrade notification and the icon to start the script. Alternatively, start the script in the console with the command:


What have we changed?

The restriction to a connection to the network via cable no longer exists, you can also carry out the upgrade via WLAN. Among other things, we have introduced two queries to ensure that you have sufficient space both in your boot partition and on the system partition. If you have less than 150 MByte of space in /boot or less than 6 GByte on the system partition, we will inform you and the script will abort. If you have fulfilled the conditions, start the script again.

We constantly check the internet connection while downloading packages. If the connection is lost, a rollback to the initial state prevents the system from failing to start. We also display the log while the script is running so that you are always informed of what is happening.

We apologize for the incorrectly performed upgrades from the first run. Upgrades from one LTS version to the next are extremely difficult because each computer is an individually grown system and is therefore prone to problems. We also ask for your patience until we release the upgrade publicly for all users again, probably on November 11th.