Welcome on Board @TUXEDO - Part 39 - TUXEDO Computers

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Welcome on Board @TUXEDO
Part 39

The open-source universe has been growing continuously for years – inspiring not only the software community but also driving the growth of TUXEDO Computers. That’s why we’re constantly expanding our team: Whether in support, development and administration, or product management and marketing – we’re always on the lookout for passionate talent.

At TUXEDO Computers, many Linux and open-source enthusiasts find their professional home. Perhaps there’s a perfect position for you as well? Don’t worry – you don’t have to be a hardcore Linux expert. We don’t bite – even if you prefer apples or windows. Up next, one of our newest team members would like to introduce themselves.

Luise - Marketing und Events

How old are you?

I am 25 years old.

Are you from Augsburg?

No, I’m originally from Jena in Thuringia. After finishing school, I studied in the USA and played football. Almost two years ago, I returned to Germany and have been living in Augsburg ever since, as I established my career here.

How long have you been working with Linux, and why?

Actually, I didn’t have any previous experience—neither with IT nor with Linux. Since I played football, I initially started my professional career in that environment. However, after a year and a half, I realized that I needed a new challenge. By now, I’m quite comfortable working with Linux, and if I have any questions, my colleagues are always there to help.

How did you hear about TUXEDO Computers?

It happened in a classic way: I saw the job posting, it appealed to me, and I applied. Originally, it was for a different position, but TUXEDO recognized my skills in another area and asked if I would like to take over event management.

Why did you want to work here?

I found it exciting that the company approached me with an alternative position and valued my skills in a different context. Above all, I wanted a new challenge—and I’ve definitely found it here.

What are your responsibilities in your role?

I oversee internal TUXEDO events and manage our presence at trade shows and community events. With my role, the organization and execution of events have been consolidated. Previously, these tasks were spread across multiple shoulders, and while some of the previous responsible colleagues are still involved, the main responsibility now lies with me. Additionally, expanding internal events and increasing the external use of our company-owned training rooms are also part of my responsibilities.

What do you particularly like about TUXEDO and its devices?

I think it’s great that the company is based in Germany. I’ve found the employees to be approachable and passionate about the products they create.

I appreciate the pleasant atmosphere, which contributes to a great working environment. Flexibility is especially important to me—both in terms of working hours and personal organization—and TUXEDO offers exactly that.

The view from my window overlooking the Alps also adds to a relaxed working experience. I also think the products are really cool—both in terms of their appearance and internal specifications.

What do you dream of for the (TUXEDO) future?

Like my colleagues, I hope that the company continues to grow and that many new customers will be convinced by what we have to offer. Organizing a dedicated Linux convention would also be a project I’d love to pursue. Naturally, I also hope for many attendees at our training sessions.

Something personal — what are your hobbies?

I’m athletic, enjoy cycling, and still play football in my free time. I also love spending time outdoors in nature.