Welcome on Board @TUXEDO - Part 35 - TUXEDO Computers

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Welcome on Board @TUXEDO
Part 35

The open source universe has been expanding steadily for years. This not only drives the software community further and further, but also ensures growth at TUXEDO Computers. We are continuously expanding our workforce: Whether in support, development and server administration, or in product management and marketing.

At TUXEDO Computers, many Linux and Open Source enthusiasts find a professional home. Maybe there is a suitable position for you, too? Don’t worry: You don’t have to have Linux-positive blood in your veins. We won’t bite, even if you prefer apples or windows. In the following, we would like to give one of our newest team members the opportunity to introduce him- or herself a little.

Maximilian - development

How old are you?

Approx. 900 megaseconds.

Are you from Augsburg?

No, I'm from Bobingen and currently live in Königsbrunn. But I went to school in Augsburg for a while and now work in Augsburg.

How long have you been working with Linux and why?

My first Linux was my first smartphone. Admittedly, Android is not a classic Linux, but it is widely used. Linux is stable, predictable, and you know what's in it and what's not.

How do you know TUXEDO?

Some time ago, I was looking into local IT manufacturers and FOSS companies in the region. That's how I came across TUXEDO.

Why did you want to work here?

Out of conviction. What could be better than the combination of more Linux, more free software and a company with a vision that you can join: To get Linux out of its niche in the desktop and notebook sector.

What do you do in your field?

I develop on Tomte (TUXEDO's own driver configuration service) LINK and the TUXEDO WebFAI. This means that I write Perl and bash scripts that make the notebooks and desktop computers easier to use. In WebFAI, I am currently working intensively on CI/CD pipelines (Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment). In the future, I will be preparing Tomte and WebFAI for extensive automatic testing. This will enable us to achieve even better test results and react to errors and problems earlier.

What do you particularly like about TUXEDO / the devices?

I think it's great to be part of a company that is moving in the right direction in the IT sector. I like that it can really be my device, because I have the option to fully configure it, but there are still many support options available that don't impose themselves, but are helpful and can be switched off to ensure a well-rounded experience.

What do you dream of for the (TUXEDO) future?

That TUXEDO notebooks with TUXEDO OS and the TUXEDO Kernel freely adjustable with the TUXEDO Control Centre and with fixes from TUXEDO Tomte become the first choice for small and medium-sized companies, as well as the public sector, and consequently also for their families at home.

Something else personal - what are your hobbies?

I am interested in and committed to the topic of climate and climate change. Politics is also one of my hobbies, as well as FOSS (Free Open Source Software), fantasy and science fiction.