TUXEDO WebFAI Creator 2.0 now for Linux and Windows - TUXEDO Computers

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TUXEDO WebFAI Creator 2.0 now for Linux and Windows

The TUXEDO WebFAI-Stick enables you to install and set up Linux operating systems on your TUXEDO devices fully automatically. This installation is largely automated in the same way as during in-house production, without you having to intervene manually.

With the stick you always receive the latest version of TUXEDO OS as well as the latest Linux operating system versions tested by TUXEDO. You can choose from a variety of Linux distributions that are also available in the TUXEDO online store, including:

  • TUXEDO OS (based on Ubuntu with KDE Plasma)
  • Ubuntu (with GNOME)
  • Xubuntu (with Xfce)
  • Ubuntu MATE (with MATE)
  • Kubuntu (with KDE)
  • elementary OS (with Pantheon)

Every TUXEDO computer comes with a WebFAI USB stick, but if you have misplaced the stick, it can be quickly recreated with the TUXEDO WebFAI Creator. The program is now available in version 2.0: It now speaks German as well as English and also runs under Windows if you don’t have a Linux system to hand. You have the choice between a portable version and a setup with which you can permanently install the program under Windows.

Note: All information on the operation and restrictions of the WebFAI can be found in this article.

Users of TUXEDO OS and systems installed via the WebFAI receive the update automatically. We also offer a cross-distribution AppImage of the TUXEDO WebFAI Creator, which you simply have to run.

TUXEDO WebFAI Creator 2.0


Already integrated
  • TUXEDO OS: Application menu » TUXEDO » TUXEDO WebFAI Creator
  • K-/X-/Ubuntu (installed by TUXEDO or via WebFAI): Application menu » TUXEDO » TUXEDO WebFAI Creator

How to use

Call up the TUXEDO WebFAI Creator under TUXEDO OS from the TUXEDO menu. Then select in the left-hand column whether you want to write the TUXEDO WebFAI or the current TUXEDO OS image to the stick. Optionally, you can also write any Linux distribution via a locally stored ISO file (Flash from file) or load it directly from the network (Flash from URL).

In the next step, use Select target to specify the data carrier to which you want to write the image. The TUXEDO WebFAI Creator automatically recognizes USB data carriers connected to the system and only offers these for selection by default. Please note that all data on the data carrier will be irretrievably deleted during flashing. Therefore, please check carefully whether you have selected the correct data carrier.

With a click on Flash! the TUXEDO WebFAI Creator automatically loads the selected image from the network and writes the data to the USB stick. A progress bar informs you about what is happening. Once the action is complete, you can remove the USB stick from the computer, plug it into the computer to be reinstalled and then boot it from the WebFai stick (or the TUXEDO OS bootable from the USB stick).