Welcome on Board @TUXEDO - Part 6 - TUXEDO Computers

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Welcome on Board @TUXEDO
Part 6

TUXEDO Computers expands its staff and introduces its team

Werner - development

Lena - TUXEDO Computers

How old are you?


Are you from Augsburg?

Nope, from near Nuremberg.

How long have you been working with Linux and why?

My first contact was in 2012 at the beginning of my computer science studies; before that I only knew the operating system from hearsay. From then on, I spent more and more time in Linux than in Windows on my dualboot installations. By now, only my desktop has both operating systems, the rest is set up and running Linux. However, I would have to think about the last time I booted Windows... Probably when I wanted to test the function of a game and find out, if it only didn't work in Wine or in general.

How do you know TUXEDO Computers?

When I was looking for a new laptop, a search introduced me to TUXEDO Computers.

Why did you want to work at TUXEDO Computers?

My opinion is that for many different reasons Linux is currently and probably also in the long run the best operating system. That is why I use it privately. But it is a pity that there is so little support from most hardware and software manufacturers. So working at TUXEDO Computers gives me the opportunity to continuously improve the hardware support.

What are you doing in your field?

Mainly finding and fixing bugs in Linux drivers, ACPI code and other hardware related code. I also often receive bug reports via support or Github, which I recreate and fix. I also continue to further develop the TUXEDO Control Center.

What do you particularly like about TUXEDO / the devices?

The nice colleagues and the countless good puns and word plays.

But seriously, the unique thing about the devices is the support, which helps with Linux problems and in general. In addition, especially in times when - it seems - more and more manufacturers are relying on automated chatbots, you can get in touch with a human colleague at TUXEDO, be it by mail or phone.

What do you dream about for the (TUXEDO) future?

For the general future: world peace and more open source ^^.

For TUXEDO: echo "$(date +%Y), Year of the Linux Desktop"Then there will be even more Linux developers fixing bugs faster and developing new features even faster to make GNU/Linux an even better OS, yey!

I hope our devices contribute to this.

Another personal thing - what are your hobbies?

A colorful mixture of more or less nerdy stuff: Gaming (on Linux, of course), LARP (+sewing garments, building padded weapons and other tinkering), HEMA (Historical European Martial Art), anime, jugger, dancing, getting historical hardware from the 80s to work, Lego and other bricks. I really wanted to try airsoft before Corona came along, now I'm trying to teach myself flute and tin whistle as Coronaskill.