Welcome on Board @TUXEDO - Part 16 - TUXEDO Computers

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Welcome on Board @TUXEDO
Part 16

TUXEDO Computers expands its staff and introduces its team

Karsten - system administration

Karsten - TUXEDO Computers

How old are you?

I am 53 years old.

Are you from Augsburg?

Yes and no. I was born in Kamen and moved to Augsburg in 2000. I even live near the company and can therefore reach my workplace in a few minutes on foot or by streetcar.

How long have you been working with Linux and why?

I have been a loyal Linux follower since 1998. I am enthusiastic because this system gives you all the freedom and I can set everything the way I want and it fits my conditions.

How do you know TUXEDO Computers?

I am part of the Linux User Group Augsburg (LUGA) e.V. and we organize an annual Linux Info Day in Augsburg at the University of Applied Sciences. TUXEDO Computers is always there with a booth and devices to try out and look at. That's how we got to know each other and started talking. When they were looking for personnel, I applied - and it worked out.

Why did you want to work at TUXEDO Computers?

As I said, we knew each other beforehand. The company made a pleasant impression, and of course I am convinced that open source is the more sensible option and the one with a better future. So it makes sense to go to a company that shares the same view.

What are you doing in your field?

I administrate the servers, take care of the network and make developments in the FAI so that it stays up to date.

What do you particularly like about TUXEDO / the devices?

At TUXEDO, you have all the freedom you don't have elsewhere - this applies to the company as well as to the devices.

What do you dream about for the (TUXEDO) future?

That we will open our own store in Augsburg at some point.

Another personal thing - what are your hobbies?

Besides the topic Linux, which I also deal with in my spare time, I like to watch soccer and go to the stadium. Since I am a "local patriot" I cheer for FC Augsburg.