What are SAG, Hybrid Graphics Mode and Discrete Mode? - TUXEDO Computers

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What are SAG, Hybrid Graphics Mode and Discrete Mode?

The abbreviation SAG stands for Smart Access Graphics. The term stands for AMD’s counterpart to Nvidia’s Advanced Optimus. This means that the notebook display can be switched from the energy-saving iGPU to the fast dedicated graphics and vice versa during operation. It is, so to speak, the dynamic version of “Discrete Mode”, which would require a restart.

SAG or Discrete Mode have a slight performance advantage in some games, as the detour via the iGPU is eliminated (normally the dGPU renders the frame, sends it to the iGPU and this outputs it on the display). However, we have measured very similar performance in benchmarks in internal tests between Discrete Mode and Hybrid Mode. Sometimes slight advantages for the former, sometimes for the latter.

Run applications on dGPU

TUXEDO OS: Via start menu

If the device is working in hybrid mode, you must force programs to run on the dGPU. Applications that you have installed in TUXEDO OS via the Discover software management are usually entered in the start menu. If you tap on the desired application with the right mouse button, you can use the option Start application with discrete GPU to run the program directly on the dGPU.

TUXEDO OS: Via terminal

Alternatively, use the command dgpu-run or the environment variable DRI_PRIME=1. The following commands would, for example, run the test tool glxgears directly on the dGPU.

dgpu-run glxgears
DRI_PRIME=1 glxgears