FAQ: TUXEDO Pulse 14 - Gen3 - TUXEDO Computers

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FAQ: TUXEDO Pulse 14

Welcome to the FAQ collection of TUXEDO Computers! Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our notebooks and computers.

TUXEDO Pulse 14 - Gen3

Configuration of the Flexicharger via the TCC?

The behavior and charging limits of the Flexicharger can be set in the TUXEDO Pulse 14 - Gen 3 via the BIOS. Integration of the configuration in the TUXEDO Control Center is currently not possible.

Flight mode button has no function

The flight mode button only works with a patch in the kernel. The patch is included in the kernel of TUXEDO OS and we have already sent it upstream to the kernel developers. For users of all Ubuntus and Fedora we offer DKMS modules for installation with tuxedo-soc-button-array.

Configuration of the keyboard lighting

The timeout can be deactivated via BIOS/EC update. The individual control of the keyboard LEDs is then carried out as usual via the TUXEDO Control Center.

Artifacts and flickering of the display

If artifacts appear on the display or the screen flickers, it helps to set the boot parameter amdgpu.dcdebugmask=0x10. For installations with TUXEDO OS or distributions installed via the TUXEDO-WebFAI, this is done automatically.

Users of other distributions must enter the parameter manually. For Ubuntu, for example, in the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT line of the /etc/default/grub file. Then rebuild the system’s grub configuration with the command sudo update-grub.