Welcome on Board @TUXEDO - Part 36 - TUXEDO Computers

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Welcome on Board @TUXEDO
Part 36

The open source universe has been expanding steadily for years. This not only drives the software community further and further, but also ensures growth at TUXEDO Computers. We are continuously expanding our workforce: Whether in support, development and server administration, or in product management and marketing.

At TUXEDO Computers, many Linux and Open Source enthusiasts find a professional home. Maybe there is a suitable position for you, too? Don’t worry: You don’t have to have Linux-positive blood in your veins. We won’t bite, even if you prefer apples or windows. In the following, we would like to give one of our newest team members the opportunity to introduce him- or herself a little.

Ben - Apprentice in the back office

How old are you?

I am now 17 and officially the youngest employee at TUXEDO.

Are you from Augsburg?

No, I live in Fischach and drive to Augsburg every day for my apprenticeship.

How long have you been working with Linux and why?

Since I've been training to be an office management assistant here, I've started working with Linux and TUXEDO devices. It was new to me at first, but I was able to familiarise myself quickly and now everything runs smoothly.

How do you know TUXEDO?

My parents actually showed me the advertised position. I read through everything and became curious, which is why I applied with TUXEDO.

Why did you want to work here?

I always wanted to work with computers and do something practical after school. The commercial apprenticeship was therefore a good fit, because with an apprenticeship I can ensure that I will be very well versed in one area.

What do you do in your field?

In the back office, we mainly process changes to customer orders, such as delivery addresses, or change an order on request. We also send out labels if our customers need to send in an appliance for repair, for example. At the moment, I only provide support by e-mail, but I'll be adding telephone calls later on. Customer service is where I can play to my greatest strength: my friendliness.

What do you particularly like about TUXEDO / the devices?

I particularly like the way my colleagues interact with each other: it's all quite relaxed and nice and not as tense as it would otherwise be when you're dealing with adults. I'm also looking forward to getting to know other areas of the company later on and being able to get a taste of them.

What do you dream of for the (TUXEDO) future?

I hope that we will become even bigger, as Windows is becoming less and less popular - at least that's my impression. And most of all, of course, I hope to be taken on after my apprenticeship! What motivates me most is working with my colleagues and the team spirit that exists at TUXEDO.

Which subject do you like best at vocational school?

I like English very much. I can also use and expand my English at TUXEDO because we also have international customers.

Something else personal - what are your hobbies?

I've been going to the gym regularly for a year now. Apart from that, I play a bit and edit videos. I'm also interested in Japan: I think the culture and the cars are interesting. The landscape in particular is very beautiful.