In the media: TUXEDO prototype with ARM chipset from Qualcomm - TUXEDO Computers

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In the media: TUXEDO prototype with ARM chipset from Qualcomm

TUXEDO Computers is working on an innovative ARM notebook with the new Snapdragon X Elite SoC from Qualcomm. This development offers a promising alternative to conventional x86 notebooks, as it enables comparable performance with significantly lower energy consumption. At Computex in Taiwan, we recently unveiled a prototype of the new device, which integrates a powerful Oryon CPU and an Adreno GPU. Although the development is still in the alpha stage, we plan to have the notebook ready for the market by 2024 and to realize a port of TUXEDO OS with KDE Plasma to the ARM platform.

Here’s what the internet has to say about the TUXEDO ARM notebook.


Destination Linux

Tuxedo is making themselves more and more of a standout Linux device supplier and if they can get this to market it will make a big splash with the geeks like us.


Their timeline of more Qualcomm drivers making it into the next two kernel versions lines up with Qualcomm’s own timeline, so it seems we’re mostly just waiting for them to finish their Linux drivers and add them to the kernel. This is quite exciting, and a much better option for Linux users than buying a Windows version of an X Elite or Pro laptop and hoping for the best.


TUXEDO Computers showcased a prototype of its ARM notebook at the Computex trade fair in Taiwan. This prototype is part of the company’s ongoing project, internally dubbed “Drako,” aiming to port TUXEDO OS with KDE Plasma to the ARM platform. The development is currently in the alpha stage, with some drivers still pending. TUXEDO is optimistic about resolving these issues with the next two kernel versions. While a release date is not yet set, the possibility of an ARM notebook under Christmas trees in 2024 is tantalizingly close.


Qualcomm has been working to ensure good Linux support for the Snapdragon X Elite high-end laptop SoC. That work is still ongoing but the initial bits are already in the mainline kernel while other optimizations and other features remain in the works. So far for the Snapdragon X Elite has been many vendors showing off Microsoft Windows based laptops but it looks like from at least TUXEDO Computers there will be a Linux-focused laptop using this ARM64 chip.


Heise Online

Original: Für solche Leute validiert der deutsche Anbieter Tuxedo derzeit ein 14-Zoll-Notebook mit mattem IPS-Panel im 16:10-Format (2560 × 1600 Pixel). Das Kühlsystem für den Zwölfkerner Snapdragon X Elite ist mit je zwei Heatpipes und Lüfter auf 20 Watt Abwärme ausgelegt. Der LPDDR5X-Arbeitsspeicher ist bauartbedingt aufgelötet, weshalb gleich 32 GByte vorgesehen sind. Die SSD ist hingegen tauschbar und steckt in einem M.2-Slot.

Translation: The German provider Tuxedo is currently validating a 14-inch notebook with a matt IPS panel in 16:10 format (2560 × 1600 pixels) for such people. The cooling system for the twelve-core Snapdragon X Elite is designed for 20 watts of waste heat with two heat pipes and two fans. The LPDDR5X RAM is soldered on due to the design, which is why 32 GB are provided. The SSD, on the other hand, is swappable and is located in an M.2 slot.


Original: Mit viel Glück könnte das Notebook, dass noch keinen Namen hat, noch in diesem Jahr unter dem Weihnachtsbaum liegen, jedoch ist es noch zu früh, um dies mit Bestimmtheit sagen zu können. Klar ist, es wird kommen und es könnte das erste leistungsfähige ARM-Notebook mit vorinstalliertem Linux auf dem Markt werden. Nimmt man Social Media-Posts der vergangenen Tage als Maßstab, so ist das Interesse daran riesengroß.

Translation: With a lot of luck, the notebook, which does not yet have a name, could be under the Christmas tree this year, but it is still too early to say for sure. What is clear is that it will come and it could be the first powerful ARM notebook with pre-installed Linux on the market. If social media posts from the past few days are anything to go by, interest in it is huge.


Original: Tuxedo will hier das Konzept von Linux on ARM umsetzen und so eine Alternative zum bekannteren Windows on ARM schaffen. Dafür wird laut Hersteller eine eigene Linux-Distribution entwickelt. Qualcomm kündigte im Mai 2024 auch bereits an, seine Snapdragon-X-Elite-CPU für die Linux-Kernels 6.8 und 6.9 kompatibel zu machen.

Translation: Tuxedo wants to implement the concept of Linux on ARM and thus create an alternative to the better-known Windows on ARM. According to the manufacturer, its own Linux distribution is being developed for this purpose. Qualcomm also announced in May 2024 that it would make its Snapdragon X Elite CPU compatible with Linux kernels 6.8 and 6.9.


Original: Tuxedo allerdings will die leistungsfähige und stromsparende Plattform auch mit Linux in Verbindung bringen. Zur Computex in Taiwan konnte sich die Redaktion einen noch namenlosen Prototyp ansehen, der mit Snapdragon X Elite bestückt war. Den Chip gibt es in drei SKUs für reguläre Endgeräte und eine weitere SKU für das Snapdragon Dev Kit.

Translation: However, Tuxedo also wants to combine the powerful and energy-saving platform with Linux. At Computex in Taiwan, the editorial team was able to see a still unnamed prototype equipped with Snapdragon X Elite. The chip is available in three SKUs for regular end devices and a further SKU for the Snapdragon Dev Kit.


