How the upgrade to Plasma 6 works - TUXEDO Computers

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How the upgrade to Plasma 6 works

In the next few days you will receive a notification on your device with TUXEDO OS, that your system is ready for the upgrade to TUXEDO OS 3 with Plasma 6.

We have already summarized what will change with Plasma 6 in a separate article, which will be published at the same time as the upgrade.

For the upgrade process, which we describe in detail here, we have created a script that will guide you through the changeover.

New installation

On the other hand, if you want to reinstall TUXEDO OS, both an installation via the WebFAI and an already updated ISO Image will be available for you when the upgrade notice becomes available.

Upgrade your TUXEDO OS 2 installation

In a few days, after restarting your system, you will see the announcement of the availability of the upgrade to Plasma 6. If you are not using our Tomte system helper or would like to start the upgrade directly, simply install the corresponding package: sudo apt install tuxedo-plasma-upgrade

In a first step the script checks, whether you are connected to a network and which session manager you are using at the time. If you have set Wayland for your running session, you will be prompted to switch to X11 for the upgrade so that the upgrade can be carried out successfully.

The next message informs you that installed 32-bit packages might have to be removed, that could interfere with the upgrade. Steam or Wine installed from our repositories are not removed.

If you cancel this first dialog with No, the system will inform you that you can repeat the upgrade at any time and will create an icon in the top left-hand corner of the desktop.

However, if you confirm with Yes, our script will first update your existing installation in order to be up-to-date before the upgrade to Plasma 6.

The following dialog informs you that all registered repositories on your system will be backed up, and that third-party repositories must be removed. If you click on Details in this window, you will see your repositories, which you will find in /etc/apt/backup after the upgrade. If they include third-party repositories, you will need to re-enter them in the sources list under /etc/apt/sources.list.d after the upgrade.

In the next step, the script checks whether you have installed 32-bit applications that need to be removed before the upgrade.

In the following window, the actual upgrade is announced, which can no longer be canceled after confirmation.

This is the last option to cancel the upgrade. If you select No here, you will be informed that you can repeat the process at any time.

All changes made so far will then be taken back.

If you have decided to upgrade, you will now see the progress of the upgrade for a few minutes.

Plasma 6 is delivered with Wayland as the default display session. As this can currently still lead to problems, especially when using the proprietary Nvidia driver, you can select in the next window whether the upcoming restart should use Wayland or X11. You can choose between the two session types at any time by changing the session type at the bottom left in the login manager.

Finally, confirm the reboot to the Plasma 6 desktop environment.

Cleaning up

If you enter the command sudo apt update after restarting Plasma 6, you will receive a message that a large number of packages are no longer required and can be removed. You can do this with the command sudo apt autoremove.

Plasma 6 not wanted?

If you prefer to stay with Plasma 5 for the time being and only switch later, that is also no problem. In this case, you do not have to do anything and will continue to receive updates for the current Plasma 5.27.10 LTS as long as they are provided by KDE.

Switching between Wayland and X11

If Wayland is selected after updating to Plasma 6, the SDDM login manager is adapted so that it runs in a Wayland session. In this constellation, however, problems will occur if you frequently want to switch back and forth between Plasma-Wayland and Plasma-X11. If this is the case, please delete /etc/sddm.conf.d/10-wayland.conf. After a reboot, SDDM will then run under X11.