FAQ: TUXEDO Sirius 16 - Gen1 - TUXEDO Computers

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FAQ: TUXEDO Sirius 16

Welcome to the FAQ collection of TUXEDO Computers! Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our notebooks and computers.

Sirius 16 - Gen1

Artifacts and flickering of the display

If artifacts appear on the display or the screen flickers, it helps to set the boot parameter amdgpu.dcdebugmask=0x10. For installations with TUXEDO OS or distributions installed via the TUXEDO-WebFAI, this is done automatically.

Users of other distributions must enter the parameter manually. For Ubuntu, for example, in the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT line of the /etc/default/grub file. Then rebuild the system’s grub configuration with the command sudo update-grub.

Hybrid Mode, SAG or Discrete Mode

SAG (Smart Access Graphics) is AMD’s answer to Nvidia’s Advanced Optimus and enables the notebook display to be switched between the power-saving iGPU and the fast dedicated graphics during operation, without rebooting. This is the dynamic version of “Discrete Mode”, which requires a restart.

SAG or Discrete Mode offer slight performance advantages in some games, as the iGPU is bypassed. However, internal tests show that the performance between Discrete Mode and Hybrid Mode is very similar in benchmarks, with slight advantages for both modes depending on the situation. This article explains how to switch between the modes.

Activate the bass speakers under the display

The device has 4 speakers: two in the housing and two under the display for a better bass effect. To activate these two additional speakers and control them with the system’s volume control, a patch for the Kernel and another for the ALSA Use Case Manager are required.

Both adaptations are integrated in TUXEDO OS. The patches are also already implemented in all Ubuntu-based systems installed via WebFAI. Users of a standard installation of Ubuntu would have to integrate the TUXEDO-Repositories. The changes have already been communicated upstream so that the speakers will work independently of the distribution in future.